Musical Theatre Club of LSU recently put on a production of “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” at the historic Reilly Theatre.
“The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” is a horror-comedy musical from StarKid Productions, detailing the adventures of Paul, an ordinary guy who does not enjoy musical theatre. When the town of Hatchetfield becomes overtaken by a musical apocalypse that causes everyone to suddenly start singing and dancing, Paul and the few survivors fight against the infection. This musical is loosely inspired by the 1956 horror film “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
There was an in-depth process of bringing this production to life, and many long hours were put in by the dedicated student-members who made it happen. Max Babin served as the director of the production.
“About two weeks before we started doing productions, we pulled together a production team,” explained Babin. “We had our first rehearsals during the beginning of winter break and have put this show together in about three weeks. Many people gave up their Christmas breaks and those who wouldn’t make it regularly, submitted check-in videos. It’s really been everyone pouring their hearts into this.”

As Babin broke down the processes, cast members zipped around the theatre space like bees to take cast photos, do warmups and get into costume for a run through of the production. Though busy and on a time crunch, they kept things light-hearted and lively, making the occasional joke or familiar theatrical reference.
The director of production did a walk-through of Reilly Theatre so cast members could know where to enter and exit seamlessly. The walk ended backstage, where basic courtesy rules about the use of props and noise levels were explained. This Musical Theatre Club is best described as a well-oiled machine with many moving parts.
Olivia Johnson served as the graphic design chair and social media director of this production.
“This performance is funny, willy, silly and weird but in all of the right ways,” Johnson said. “I think it’s a great show for those who haven’t been exposed to musical theatre before.”
Musical Theatre Club of LSU aims to spread the artform of musical theatre across campus and offer students a space to experiment with it. This club is a non-profit organization.

“We aim to do a production every spring and are grateful for the financial support of Student Government, which makes these things possible,” Johnson said.
Ryan Bailey played Paul Matthews, the lead character of the musical, and spoke up on how Musical Theatre Club has allowed him to gain experience and grow as an actor.
“Spaces like this are important, because everyone needs that third-space where they can make mistakes and learn as they go,” Bailey said.
To keep up with Musical Theatre Club of LSU, you can follow their Instagram: @lsumtc.