Here is the MidWeek meteorology report for the week of Feb 25- March 24.
Pinpoint: The sun will rise 6:35 AM Tuesday morning. The morning temperatures will be in the mid fifties. Between 12PM and 3PM we will see a high of 72F. The sun will set at 6:01 PM. After the sun sets, temperatures will be in the mid sixties. As the night progresses, temperatures will drop in the upper forties. The nighttime low will be 47F.
7-Day: Tuesday will be a partly cloudy day, with a high of 72F and a low of 47F. Wednesday will also be partly cloudy, with a high of 76F and a low of 48F. Thursday will be cloudy day, with a high of 68F and a low 56F. Friday will be a sunny day, with a high of 69F and a low of 44F. Saturday will be a mostly sunny day, with a high of 74F and a low of 44F.
Sunday will be a partly cloudy day, with a high of 75F and a low of 49F. Monday will be a mostly cloudy day, with a high of 75F and a low of 61F.
Baseball Pinpoint: The first pitch for the LSU vs Nicholls baseball will be at 6:oo PM. That is the same time as sunset, and the temperature at the time will be 61F. Temperatures for the game will range between the lower sixties and mid fifties.
See you next week!