Welcome to American politics in 2025, where the Democrats caved to the Republicans and passed a budget bill that would cut billions of dollars from Veteran Affairs to give tax cuts to the ultrawealthy.
This is what happens when there’s a government that exists exclusively to serve the needs of the elites. While many Americans did vote for the chosen representatives, the people selected to represent “the common people” don’t actively do that anymore.
Instead of representing us, these politicians will represent lobbyists and political action committees.
For example, the American-Israel PAC has bled money into the pockets of politicians so that America and its allies could turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed in Palestine by Israel. Politicians like Kamala Harris have claimed to be vocal about how it’s a horrible loss of human life but will take resources from the same people representing those causing the loss of life.
Furthermore, it seems like Democrats and Republicans refuse to work together despite having to represent their constituents. Even the bipartisan Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which not only proved effective by lowering inflation rates but also lowered drug prescription costs, had to be voted on multiple times before it could reach a final passage. Meanwhile, citizens were drowning in inflation and corporate price gouging afterward.
Politicians won’t do anything to help the everyday American because we don’t have the money to make them care. Quite simply, we need new politicians or, really, spokespersons who will actually care about the people they represent. We don’t need useful morons or quiet opposition, existing purely to get a paycheck at the end of the month. We need people who really want to see the country they supposedly love improve.
Nevertheless, politicians ignoring their constituents can be best seen in the recent town hall meetings that have gone awry. Officials, both left and right, sheepishly left meetings after hearing people’s frustrations with Elon Musk, his proximity to power and the absence of Democrats fighting back against Republicans.
The Republicans used the filibuster by delaying and stopping to vote on many pieces of legislation, such as the aforementioned Inflation Reduction Act, so why won’t Democrats do the same? Perhaps they’re content with their position and wealth while their constituents suffer or are okay with upholding the status quo, regardless of how it harms others.
That’s why we need to vote for people who will truly represent us. Disregard the letter next to their name; if they’re willing to represent their people, then they’re more than qualified.
If they’re willing to take a stand against corporate lobbyists, political action committees and various other organizations that exist to give money to politicians to support a cause, then they are best fit for the position.
Hopefully, with this administration running everything into the ground, the American public will wake up from their status quo stasis and request real change be done.
I know that people are tired of the government and corporations screwing them over, so it’s time to take a stand. We’re tired of politics being hyper-sensationalized everywhere all the time; we just want a functioning government for the people.
Andrew Sarhan is a mass communication freshman from Baton Rouge, La.