Wild Belle, a brother and sister duo out of Chicago, Ill., has made a strong debut with the first album “Isles.”
The album, appropriately named, consists of a surprisingly tropical sound form these northern natives, mixed with jazz, psychedelic and indie-rock vibes.
Though “Isles” was released last Tuesday, KLSU listeners are likely familiar with the band’s hits like “Keep You” and “ Take Me Away” that were released earlier this year. These songs are definitely the stand out pieces of the album, defining the band’s bubbly and trance-like sound.
Natalie Bergman fronts the band with her raspy and yet delicate voice as her older brother Elliot accompanies on the saxophone for most songs.
I’m a complete sucker for the sexyphone… I mean saxophone. The songs with heavy accompaniments, “Keep You,” Take Me Away,” and “It’s Too Late,” are my favorite in the album. I feel the accompaniment helps carry the songs and hold listener’s attention as Elliot serenades in the interludes of Natalie’s verses.
The song “June” is arguably the same song as the hit “Take Me Away,” but without the saxophone, bordering on boring. Without it, the songs take on a very recognizable reggae-infused sound. But with the accompaniment, the band stands out in its genre.
In one special song in the album, “When It’s Over,” Elliot pulls a Lennon and sings lead vocals. He has a nice voice, clear and strong, that is able to compliment the sound his sister has created in the rest of the album. I would be interested in hearing more from him in the future.
Other notable songs are two in the middle of the album, “Happy Home” and “Anther Girl,” which reveal a darker side of the band and showcase Natalie’s throaty vocals.
It is nice to see in these songs that the band is able to balance different emotions in one album, and I suspect with more experience they will be able to do so even more effectively.
Overall, the album is a strong debut for the brother-sister-duo. Released at just the right time, it will make for fine companion for those wanting to listen to something a little bit different during their summer dives and days spent lounging at the pool.