A request by Impact LSU to reopen a complaint filed last week against the Unite LSU campaign regarding the late submission of financial documents was dismissed by the University Court on Monday evening on the grounds that it had already been voted upon.
According to the complaint, which was filed 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, “financial documents for the Unite LSU ticket were not submitted by the 10:00 a.m. deadline on the day of election results.” Though this was initially a potential reason for disqualification, the complaint was voted upon and dismissed by UCourt last week.
Adviser for the Unite ticket Joe Gipson quoted the Student Government Rule of Court, saying, “The ruling of the University Court is final and cannot be appealed.”
SG Chief Justice Morgan Faulk said she shared the sentiments of those in attendance.
“Believe me, I’m tired of being here just as much as y’all are,” she said.
Howell confirmed to TigerTV that he plans to appeal the UCourt’s decision to Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students K.C. White.