Hello, beautiful people.
Temperatures are finally lowering; the sun is setting much earlier, and maybe you are now drinking warm(er) beverages. We are in midst of fall, that treasured transition from summer into winter. The fall season presumably conjures up strong feelings inside of you, much as it does in me.
I have put together a playlist that reminds me of the fall season and the feelings I associate with it. It is slow, relaxing, and at times a bit eerie – perfect for this time of year, in my opinion. I hope it meshes well with your own. I present to you my Falllllll playlist.
I have tried to make it available to the most amount of people, so I have used Spotify. In my experience, it is one of the easier music listening tools. The playlist consists of 18 tracks and it a total of about 76 minutes.
If you want to share anything about the playlist, feel free to do so below in the comments section. Also, you’re welcome to share any of your own Fall Playlists with me on Spotify.
Thanks for reading. Now, go forth and enjoy some good tunes.
Nordic Thunder’s Fall Playlist!
October 21, 2013
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