The University’s Annual Security and Fire Report was released Monday by the LSU Police Department and shows no major increase in any form of on-campus crime.
This year’s list, which includes crime data from 2012, shows three forcible sex offenses, 13 robberies, 11 aggravated assaults, 49 burglaries and two motor vehicle thefts. In addition, arrests for drug and liquor law violations decreased from 2011. This year LSUPD saw 174 arrests for liquor offense and 73 for drugs, dropping from 222 and 86 arrests, respectively.
The report is required to be published by all public universities by Oct. 1 of each year, according to federal law. The annual report includes crime statistics for the past three years: 2010, 2011 and 2012.
In addition, the report includes fire and safety tips and resources for students if they are victims of crimes, as well as information on the fire safety equipment located in residence halls and Greek housing.
LSUPD spokesman Capt. Cory Lalonde said the report helps the University community know what types of crime are occurring on campus.
He said although the statistics do not tell the full story, they are a useful vehicle to communicate the crimes happening on campus.
“The [statistics] are definitely beneficial,” he said. “We want the community to know what kind crime and activity is occurring
on campus.”
University sees no major on-campus increase in crime
October 1, 2013