Note: The following letter from LSU President William F. Tate IV is a formal apology to The Reveille for comments he made about student media.
Dear Reveille Staff:
Please accept this letter as a formal apology for mentioning this paper during a recent budget hearing. I offer no excuse. It was unnecessary to mention this paper or your colleagues across Louisiana.
In addition, I greatly appreciate the response by Piper Hutchinson in this paper. As a leader, you never know if your aspirations and values have been heard. To see truth, courage, and empathy recited as shared values gave me great hope for our future as a community.
Thank you for your service and leadership. And you have my unwavering support to operate as an independent voice in pursuit of truth.
William F. Tate IV
President Tate: ‘You have my unwavering support to operate as an independent voice’
September 22, 2022