Editor’s note: The following column is satire.
We live in a world where there’s conflict, unrest and chaos. But there’s an answer to make all our problems go away.
Stop thinking critically, and start thinking collectively. Abandon your own judgment, and hop on the bandwagon of whatever the mainstream opinion may be.
It’s simpler, and it’ll bring world peace. Why question the narrative and doubt its authority when you can placidly ignore your own thoughts and just do as you’re told?
But some people are stubborn, so they question the evidence in an attempt to verify the truth. They are troublemakers, not willing to give in to the established narrative of what is right, just and good to believe in. They’re a danger to the well-being and peace of society, thinking their own thoughts and coming up with their own conclusions. How divisive and selfish!
Yet there’s hope to believe that we’re on the path to unity, as there are more people of the same mind or, at most, two different opinions. Any third or fourth viewpoint falls into a minority that is cast to the side and discarded as irrelevant.
Less people are speaking their own minds in a free and confident manner. And, luckily, when some do, there’s always a feral mob ready to cancel and ostracize them. Yes, free thinkers and open-minded people are becoming scarce, and those who remain are too cowardly to raise their voices.
As they should be. If they all got together and agreed to voice their objections, they could very possibly cause a lot of trouble, as they could awaken all those who are asleep.
Of course, you know, the majority doesn’t even think. It’s too complicated. They’ve left that to be done and decided on by others. Why look for the facts to find the truth only to realize you’ll have to live with the guilt of being unwilling to fight for it, to risk being canceled for it? So, the majority drowsily ignores this dilemma before them and avoids asking any questions.
There’s still much hope that we will attain unity, with no hesitation to complete obedience. Because, of course, the subjection of thoughts is only one step away from the subjection of actions. And if it’s for the good of the whole, what does it matter what that good is or even makes up the whole?
Unless more people awaken, unless they unplug the cords connecting their views to the overarching programming being set before us and untangle their minds from the same message that is being projected on the screens, unless they dare to say there’s more to the truth than what we’ve been told, groupthink can be ended any minute.
Those awake have the power to awaken others. They can agree to end the unity and allow for disagreement. This danger threatens your well-being.
And the only one who can stop it is you.
Isabella Albertini is a 23-year-old mass communication junior from Lima, Peru.