This week’s Magical Mystery Tour installment featuring English musician Damon Albarn! Hope you enjoyed it.
- Song 2- Blur
- Parklife- Blur
- Go Out- Blur
- 19/2000- Gorillaz
- Dare- Gorillaz
- On Melancholy Hill- Gorillaz
- Every Season- Tony Allen feat. Damon Albarn
- Bamako City- Malian Musicians & Damon Albarn
- Hallo- DRC Music feat. Tout Puissant Mukalo and Nelly Liyemge
- Heavenly Peach Banquet- Monkey
- Poison- Rocket Juice & The Moon
- Hey Shooter- Rocket Juice & The Moon feat. Erykah Badu
- Everyday Robots- Damon Albarn
- Heavy Seas of Love- Damon Albarn
- Lonely Press Play- Damon Albarn