This weekend New Orleans residents are taking a walk…and a stand. The Slutwalk – a demonstration against rape victim shaming – will take place in New Orleans Saturday morning.
Protestors will attempt to provide meaningful discussion about blaming the victims of sexual assault rather than the assaulters themselves.
While this will be the first year New Orleans hosts a SlutWalk, the international protest began with the Toronto SlutWalk in 2011. According to the SlutWalk Toronto website, the original walk was held in protest to a Toronto police officer. The officer suggested if rape victims had not “dressed like sluts” they would not have been victimized.
When asked about the controversial name, New Orleans SlutWalk coordinator Winter Randall said that the word “slut” is commonly used to shame a woman, so it’s an opportunity to take the word and use it for empowerment.
With 58 reported rapes in Baton Rouge and 163 in New Orleans during 2011, Randall feels that this demonstration is completely necessary. She says it will provide a place for discussion and empowerment for victims and supporters. Randall said she expects a good turn out because of the positive responses on the event’s facebook page.
The walk starts at 11 a.m. on the corner of St. Peter Street and North Rampart Street, and will circle the French Quarter. Women and men interested in participating can buy a SlutWalk New Orleans t-shirt to help with the costs or give donations. Surplus from the funds will be donated to various rape crisis centers in New Orleans.
More information on the event can be found on the SlutWalk New Orleans facebook page or at
Angela Schifani, Reveille Radio News
Contact Angela Schifani at [email protected]
“SlutWalk” takes place in New Orleans Saturday
April 4, 2012