Student Government is urging LSU Dining to allow students to choose the exact amount of Paw Points to apply to their meal plans, according to a resolution unanimously passed Wednesday at the Senate meeting.
The resolution additionally requests LSU Dining to allow students the option to add more Paw Points to their meal plans. The amount of Paw Points would range from zero dollars worth to a maximum value deemed appropriate by the administration at the start of the academic year.
Eben Smitherman, the College of Basic Sciences senator and biological sciences senior who wrote the resolution, said Jason Tolliver, the University’s executive director of Auxiliary Services and the Student Union, agreed that SG’s plan “would be beneficial to both the students and the University.”
“I think the idea system would be that if I can type in a numerical amount in a box of how many Paw Points I wanted, and the box said ‘Up to x amount,’” Smitherman said. “Or have it on a little scroll tab that would increase by $10-dollar amounts or 10-point amounts going up to however many and starting at zero — the key is starting at zero.”
SG also reaffirmed its opposition to Faculty Senate’s plus-minus grading proposal.
, stating in a unanimously-passed resolution that Faculty Senate should include student representation in discussions on changes to the grading scale.
Trey Schwartzenburg, the College of Basic Sciences senator and biological sciences junior who wrote the resolution, wrote that the opposition to the grading scale proposal represents the “vast majority of the LSU student body.”
“We’re not going to be able to point out every single bad thing about this to sway them, but it’s our job as student leaders to voice the student’s opinion on this,” said Schwartzenburg.