The Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation is analyzing pick-up and drop-off locations for the Garden District-Perkins and Night Bus B routes to see if an adjustment can be made to appease disgruntled students.
Holley Shinn, fine arts graduate student, met Friday with Director of Parking, Traffic and Transportation Gary Graham, SG President Cody Wells and officials from the Office of Risk Management to discuss her petition that Tiger Trails add night service to the Garden District-Perkins Trail.
Shinn said she wrote the petition because riders had to find other ways home at night, like riding a bike, unless they bring a car. She also said riders were inconvenienced this year because the last run of the Garden District-Perkins bus moved from 5:45 p.m. to 5:20 p.m.
Graham said he had no knowledge of a time change.
According to the Tiger Trails times of operation, the Garden District-Perkins Trail bus runs Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Shinn said there are enough riders to supply a night service.
“Student fees should first go to students trying to achieve academic goals,” Shinn said. “Night service that’s offered is really focused on getting students to and from
Student petition hopes to add night bus route
January 30, 2012