The University’s Department of Theatre is producing Maria Irene Fornes’ musical “Promenade,” which runs through Sunday, excluding game day, in the Hatcher Hall Theatre.”Fornes, best known for her surreal and socially relevant plays, tackles class hierarchy through music and comedy,” according to a press release.The musical “Promenade,” an Off-Broadway Award winner, tells the story of prisoners 105 and 106 who escape from jail and learn about rich people for the first time.Lindsey Lanson, director and theatre performance fifth year senior, said the prisoners are looking with a “it’s gotta be better over there” perspective.”These actors, no, these people provide so much to entertain and so much to be amazed by … Not one scene stands out,” Lanson said. “‘Promenade’ is about a learning process of opening one’s eyes, learning how to speak and when to dance and when to stand still and listen, metaphorically of course. And if we listen, we learn about more than taking the spotlight.””Promenade” goes through a wide range of emotions. It ranges from happy moments to dark ones.”Overall, it has a sort of dark tone,” Lanson said, “But it lets the audience jump to a different emotion in a snap.”The musical is entirely student run and features a broad range of actors.”A lot of the actors are freshmen, but at the same time, a lot are fifth-year students,” Lanson said.Those actors put to good use the space they are given in the Hatcher Hall Theatre.”It’s an episodic play,” Lanson said. “We jump into different worlds, and instead of a new atmosphere for each one, we divided the stage.”Also, in the 30 minutes before the show starts, the actors are out on the stage and in the audience, interacting with the crowd.”We try to do that in all of the Hatcher Hall studio performances. We try to use the time we are given,” Lanson said. Cast members are known to crawl across, sit on and tease the audience members.Sara Pendegrass, history sophomore, saw “Promenade” for her theater class on its opening night.”It was very interesting,” Pendegrass said. “But the acting was phenomenal.””Promenade” will run through Friday and again on Sunday in the Hatcher Hall Theatre. For showtimes, visit are $6 and can only be purchased at the door in cash. Patrons are asked to arrive early to ensure a ticket.For more information, contact the University’s Department of Theatre at 578-4174 or visit the Web site.- – – -Contact Catie Vogels at [email protected]
Department’s musical ‘Promenade’ has ‘dark tone’
November 6, 2008