Column insulting to New OrleansFirst of all, if someone has time at work to have countless arguments about brake tags – I’m sorry, “inspection” tags – then they seriously have to find a more challenging job. Maybe you should be talking about a way to better educate the employees. I find that to be a much more needed topic of discussion.Secondly, you want to talk about stupid? I think bashing a city that serves as the hometown of a huge percentage of your fellow students is pretty darn stupid.Stop contemplating about the hierarchy of car parts and start contemplating about how many butts you’re going to have to kiss for ticking off a majority of your readers. Oh, and as a so-called “journalist” you should be a little more informed about such a thing as regional dialects. I learned about that one in a 2000 level class. There are still spots open – English 2710 – you should check it out.We’re talking about common sense, here. Any idiot would know that our regional diversity makes our country unique, but I’m sure you think appeasing your aggravation “holds seniority” over the history of the English language.If this attempt at an insulting letter is too complicated for you, let me present this idea to you in Layman’s Terms. If a bunch of Northerners came around and started calling coke “pop”, I would be a little irritated. But if I lived in FRICKEN Massachusetts, I would think twice before calling all the people from the state stupid for using the vocabulary they grew up on.People who say “coke” are no smarter than people who say “pop”, and just because we stupid New Orleanians call medians neutral grounds doesn’t indicate a lack of intelligence.Big deal? I’d say so. And yes, times do change – like back in the day you would be called a nitwit, and now you’re an idiot – but it doesn’t mean people should compromise their regional identity and dialect for the sake of uniformity. Get with the program.And in regards to us thinking we never do anything wrong? I’ll fully admit one mistake: whichever New Orleanian (and I’ll bet my life savings he/she is a New Orleanian) hired an uninformed writer to work at The Reveille – they made a big mistake.But moving on to the bigger picture. I’m sure there are numerous irate LSU students from New Orleans that would agree The Reveille should make “rum” for more talented writers. More importantly, if that article was trying to insult New Orleans, it didn’t work.However, as a poorly composed article that hinted how ignorant its writer probably is, it hit the nail on the head. That phrase isn’t restricted to New Orleans, right? Apparently, my New Orleans upbringing has rendered me stupid, so I wouldn’t know.But, seriously. How could you write such a blatantly insulting article and not expect backlash? Come on, you’re smarter than that.Natalie Roymass communication sophomore—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to the editor, 10/16
October 16, 2008