Reveille needs to leave SG aloneI have put off writing this letter for some time. But over the semesters, my thoughts on this subject have only grown. Let me say I was at one time a writer for The Daily Reveille, and never in my life have I had any affiliation with Student Government. Anyway, last week the Reveille published an “Our View” that again bashed SG for not doing enough for the students. No time more than ever has the phrase “beating a dead horse” been more appropriate. I read the Reveille everyday and enjoy the majority of the articles, but SG-bashing has reached a climax. To put it boldly, never will Student Government be successful. Why? The Daily Reveille. No matter what SG does in the future, how they do it, the Reveille will still continue to bash Student Government for the most ludicrous reasons. Yes, I am aware of numerous dumb things SG has pulled in the past, and yes there are times when bashing SG is 100 percent necessary. (Such as SG Senators not showing up to meetings.) But other times the Reveille seems to do it just to fill up space. Each year a new SG President is elected, and each year the Reveille gives the newly elected president no chance of fixing the wrong. Honestly, do you ever think there will be a day when the Reveille will say Student Government is doing well? The simple answer is no. Whoever is the next SG President has failed. Whoever is the president after that has failed. It have gotten to a point that all this nonsensical bashing has in turn completely undermined the credibility of The Daily Reveille. Give it a rest, lay off Mr. Ed. Try just for once to end this meaningless power struggle between Student Government and The Daily Reveille. Chris Ballaymass communication seniorBand members not at faultThis letter is in response to Ms. Burrows’ letter in Tuesday’s paper. As a Tiger Band member, I’d like to clarify a few things addressed in the letter. First, I’d like to make it known that neither the Tiger Band nor its directors are in total control of everything we play in the stands. Several other people have a say in this, as well. The Tiger Band exists not only to entertain the student section but Tiger fans everywhere and any visitors to our stadium. Not everybody is comfortable with all of the chants that come out of our student section. As much as we would like to appease everybody, we simply cannot. We cannot discard the feelings of anybody who is offended by these chants and neither should anybody else. Not only the reputation of the Tiger Band, but the reputation of the entire University is exemplified by the band’s behavior. There is no reason for us to damage that reputation by conveying to people that we support vulgar cheers. These cheers were not intended to be vulgar, but, tragically, they have become so. It upsets me that we can’t play these cheers anymore because of the vulgarity associated with them, but what really tears me up is when somebody that I work hard to entertain criticizes my organization for something they don’t understand.Second, the Tiger Band and its staff is one of the hardest working groups of people on this campus. We spend hours upon hours each week working to support our University and our team. Neither our directors nor our band members deserve to be criticized for what we do, especially by somebody who clearly doesn’t understand how a University functions. Ms. Burrows, how can you justify calling for the student body to refrain from supporting the Tiger Band just because you don’t get to hear a couple of cheers? I don’t think you realize how insulting that is to that group of your peers, known as the Tiger Band, who work so hard for you each and every day. I encourage everybody to go online to ESPN’s Battle of the Bands Web site to support your Tiger Band and your University by participating in our contest. And to Ms. Burrows, use your head and do your homework before you attempt to damage LSU or any of its organizaitions with your ill informed rantings.Paul Perrypolitical science junior—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letters to the editor, 10-9
October 8, 2008