LSU officials announced early this morning that no decision on the location of Saturday’s football game will be made today.
The Tigers are scheduled to face North Texas on Saturday night in Tiger Stadium. But officials are considering moving the game to New Orleans or Dallas, depending on the path of Hurricane Ike, which is expected to enter the Gulf later in the week.
“We are going to watch Hurricane Ike closely and make a decision that is in the best interests of everyone concerned,” Athletic Director Joe Alleva said in a news release. “We are sensitive to the hardship that a change of location could have on our fans, but it is imperative that the Tigers play this week as it would be very difficult to reschedule the game.
“Our intention is to play in Tiger Stadium, but we will move the game to another site if it is necessary to play the game.”
No decision on Saturday’s game expected today – 11:56 a.m.
September 7, 2008