The Daily Reveille is an ever-changing product. With every new editor comes a new focus, new ideas and new plans. But every editor usually also has the same goals – making sure every paper has news that applies to every student.
Former editor Scott Sternberg, who has done a great job as editor and currently edits in-depth stories, became known around the newsroom – and sometimes avoided – for his overuse of cliches. It was Scott who came with the expressions of “your world printed daily” and the news that you “both want and need.”
The Daily Reveille’s mission statement printed at the bottom of page two still says that we exist to bring you the news that you “both want and need.”
This is still our promise to you, and we will do our best to never deviate from it.
Every student should have a reason to pick up The Daily Reveille when he goes to his first class in the morning. It’s our job to find the news to make everyone care about the paper we are putting out.
The Daily Reveille will feature student government and governmental-affairs coverage – and include the crossword puzzles. Opinion will have Jay Melder’s Off The Cuff and on Thursdays will have Kinsey Confidential, a column produced by the University of Indiana’s Kinsey Institute, which is the foremost authority on sexual health in the nation.
This is why many of you sneak copies of the Reveille into your classes. We’re a college paper serving the needs of a college audience.
But sometimes you might find something you disagree with in The Daily Reveille, or something that makes you angry. This is when you let us know.
The Daily Reveille employees – who are all students – work really late in the basement of Hodges Hall, but they have fun and have had experiences that are irreplaceable over the past 100 years of The Daily Reveille’s existence. I have learned the value of listening to people and trying to improve from their feedback.
This newspaper’s mission is to accurately cover all aspects of this campus - from student government to the International Cultural Center.
The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today are on campus, free of charge. I encourage everyone to read them.
They are great, but they do not bring what The Daily Reveille strives to bring you five days a week.
We strive to write articles covering everyone from Club Club to the more serious stories on campus.
And make no mistake -what we print matters.
The Daily Reveille has a proud history of directly affecting the LSU community. From our award-winning serial killer special edition in 2003 to the recent investigative pieces looking deep into the Flagship Agenda and the Tiger Athletic Foundation, we have made a difference on this campus, and we will keep doing the same this semester.
The little things we change will not make that much of a difference on a larger scale, but I think the changes will help us get closer to relating to all students.
We will try to translate what we learned from our time here, and at the same time we hope you have some of that fun when you pick up our paper.
It is our goal to be the forum for debate and the advocate of the student body.
So please send us your feedback, comments and angry criticisms. On Jan. 14, The Daily Reveille celebrated its 109th birthday – let’s work together to keep this paper fresh.
Walter is a print journalism senior: Contact him at [email protected]
Keeping tradition where it belongs
January 17, 2006