The inspirational life of pharmaceutical scientist Krisana Kraisintu will premiere onstage at Swine Palace in “Cocktail.” “She’s a real-life hero,” play co-writer and director Ping Chong said. “She saved a lot of lives, and she’s still saving lives. It just shows that one person can make a difference.” Kraisintu made AIDS treatment affordable to thousands of patients by creating a generic version of the HIV drug AZT. Co-writer and University biological sciences professor Vince LiCata said he e-mailed Chong about the opportunity to write a science related play. “We met [Kraisintu] about three or four months after that,” LiCata said. “We knew she was going to talk to us, but we didn’t know how long. She ended up spending 12 hours with us one day and then four hours the next day.” Kraisintu is scheduled to speak in Baton Rouge at the Chancellor’s Distinguished Lectureship Series, as well as participate in a talk back session after the play. “We’re nervous about what she might think,” LiCata said. “It will be good to get people to know who she is because she doesn’t get a lot of press here in America.” Chong said social injustice is an issue the play addresses. “It is a social justice issue that poor people can’t afford medication,” Chong said. “In Thailand the annual income is $25 per year, and in America the cost of AIDS medication is $55 per day.” Chong said the story of Kraisintu could inspire audiences. “I want all people to understand that we can make a difference,” he said. The Swine Palace Production of “Cocktail” is a part of the University’s Performing Art Series. “Your student fees pay for it,” said Vastine Stabler, director of Marketing and Public Relations for LSU Theatre. “We bring in the great artists in the world. This year they brought in Ping [Chong].” Swine Palace and the LSU Performing Arts Series in association with Ping Chong and Company are bringing “Cocktail” to the stage. The play previews tonight in Swine Palace Theatre at 7:30 p.m. and premieres tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. The play will run through May 6. While the play is premiering for the first time here at the University, LiCata said he does have plans to adapt the script into a screenplay, and to take the play to other universities. “It’s such a huge cast so it gets expensive,” he said. “It’s perfect for a university.” Chong said he does not know what audiences will take from “Cocktail.” “I don’t know if they are going to be receptive,” he said. “But let’s hope.”
—–Contact Kelly Caulk at [email protected]
Swine Palace hosts “Cocktail”
April 22, 2007