The newest addition to the University’s Dairy Store brings a twist to the traditional motif of purple and gold: hooves.
A large, framed picture of the “tiger cow” – a cow with purple and gold tiger stripes – was presented Wednesday to the store by Frank Skeeler. Skeeler, now a city councilman in West Orange City, Texas, was a student at the University from 1969 to 1973.
Skeeler said he arrived at the idea after visiting the Dairy Store last October. Skeeler said he noticed the pictures of tigers on the wall and offered to bring a picture of a tiger cow.
The picture is a plastic print transfer laid on corrugated plastic board. The picture was made by students at the Orange County Association for Retarded Children.
Senthil Ganesh, manager of the Dairy Store, said the tiger cow picture fits well with the store’s milk-based products. He said one of the store’s most popular flavors features the same colors.
“We have a Tigerbite ice cream – purple and gold with blueberry swirls in it,” Ganesh said.
The ice cream sold there is made on-location, much of it by student workers. Ganesh said student workers are drawn not only from the Dairy Science program but also from other academic fields such as Agriculture.
According to the store’s Web site, it produces nearly 600 gallons of ice cream each month. It also sells many varieties of cheese and once supplied milk for the entire campus.
—- Contact Daniel McBride at [email protected]
‘Tiger cow’ donated to dairy school
February 8, 2007