OUR OPINION: This new division is a surprise that seems more of a hasty decision than a carefully planned strategy.The chancellor announced the creation of the Campus Enterprises Division Thursday. The new division will manage Talley Student Center, Witherspoon Student Center, Erdhal-Cloyd Atrium and facilities in the future Alliance Center and Town Center on Centennial Campus.While unifying these various entities under a division designed to maximize services provided at the best possible cost is admirable, the decision seems hasty and inadequately planned. Unlike other campus initiatives, this new division had no open preliminary planning meetings or press buildup, and is expected to begin work Wednesday.University officials must be more forthcoming about the details for the Campus Enterprises Division — students have every right to know why this decision was not made with advance planning and student input.Given the budget issues, the idea of partnering with businesses to maintain and expand services available to students is a good one. But even the appointed director, Bob Wood, who currently is director of materials management in the purchasing department, had little to say about the new division due to a lack of information.When the person in charge of a new division cannot comment about what the division is supposed to do because he lacks information, there is a serious problem.There are no answers regarding funding this division, outlining its purpose, establishing its goals, determining its feasibility and soliciting student feedback. As students are primary users of all of the facilities now under Campus Enterprises, they should be the first people University officials talk to.Instead, the decision to create an entire division is limited to a quick statement from the chancellor — a statement that was not placed on the University’s Web page.This must change immediately. Transparency is vital, particularly regarding the new division’s funding as the University faces budget cuts across the board.Yet the only new details regarding this new division concerned the continuity of the University’s organizational structure, outlined in an e-mail sent to various administrators and the student body president.If this new division does start work Wednesday, then its first goal is simple: start telling students some of the details and getting their feedback. The surprise creation of this division is one misstep, and continuing to blunder along and fly Campus Enterprises through these turbulent economic times is an invitation for disaster.
Give students more details on new division
March 27, 2009