Most women wouldn’t dream of becoming porn stars to support their children.But receiving free medical and dental insurance for 14 kids seems like a pretty fair trade for performing serial fellatio.And a $1 million contract isn’t too shabby an offer for showing some occasional skin.Then again, getting an infinite supply of diapers for a year for not baring your less-than-porn-worthy body is a damn good deal too, considering diaper prices.Last month, Vivid Entertainment, the world’s largest adult video production company, thought it MDE Nadya Suleman — the 33-year-old single mother who recently gave birth to octuplets through in vitro fertilization — an offer she couldn’t refuse — because Oprah certainly isn’t dishing out the dough.The public certainly isn’t throwing her any pity parties.And for some odd reason, reality television isn’t taking the bait, probably because Suleman requested to be paid at least $2 million to publicly share her childcare “expertise.”But Suleman did refuse Vivid’s offer. Apparently, she’s not keen on letting it all hang out on camera yet.”I think it’s kind of funny that I got offered $1 million to make porn,” Suleman told Radar Online. “Those guys at Vivid Video must be nuts! Who wants to see me naked? Maybe in a year when the baby fat goes away.”But Suleman shouldn’t be ashamed of her appearance because she’s got a few stretch marks here and a couple of scars there. Those can be fixed with a few nips and tucks.And going under the knife a few more times won’t hurt considering she already resembles the love child of Michael Jackson and Angelina Jolie.Suleman should definitely consider laying on her back for a living. She basically did it for seven months anyway, so she might as well make a career out of it.She’s unmarried, unemployed and most likely doesn’t have prospects in either area.Her first and only hubby bailed, and for good reason.She’s $50,000 in debt from student loans, receives $490 a month in food stamps and collects $600 a month in Social Security disability payments for her three disabled children, according to NBC’s “Dateline.” And to boot, her roomies consist of her mother and six other children.But food stamps and welfare can only get Suleman so far, which is why she launched her very own donations Web site complete with graphic photos of the newborns as well as thanks to all those who give a damn: “We thank you for the love and good wishes sent to us from around the world. The octuplets arrived on 1-26-09. They are all healthy and growing stronger by the day,” the Web site says.But don’t turn your nose up and scoff at her proposition quite yet because you’re already paying for her little chickadees’ future college funds with your tax dollars, though that still doesn’t pay for the half of it.To raise her 14 children into adulthood will cost Suleman about $ 1.5 million, according to financial experts on the “Today” show.Looks like that $ 1 million porn contract is becoming sweeter by the second because the only types of donations Suleman is receiving on her Web site are death threats.So maybe Suleman should suck it up and go down in history as porn’s biggest MILF.After all, beggars can’t be choosers, especially in times like these. Drew Belle Zerby is a 22-year-old mass communication major from Vidalia.– – – -Contact Drew Belle Zerby at [email protected]
Saved by the Belle: ‘Octomom’ should seriously consider adult industry
March 5, 2009