Your typical morning routine probably consists of something similar to the following: You snooze the alarm several times and then strongly consider not going to class before finally rolling out of bed and eventually making your leisurely way to the University.Instead, imagine being awoken thousands of miles away by the sound of gunfire somewhere in the desert or even as the sun rises to run around campus instead of dreaming in your bed.Today we celebrate the service of the members of the military and who continue to defend our country to this day.Many times, when we hear the word “veterans,” we think about old fogeys marching in parades, but in truth, many men and women our own age have served and continue to serve in the military.The University was originally founded as a military academy, and the legacy of service continues today.The cadets program helps train students for military service and there are numerous students at the University who are enlisted — some go overseas during the summers and return for the school year to continue their studies here. And we have faculty members who have returned to teach and share experiences.We tend not to make a big fuss about this holiday — it falls between midterms and Thanksgiving, and most of us are trying to pull up grades. But take a couple minutes today to remember the people who make it possible for us to attend the University at all.If you have friends, family, loved ones or even acquaintances who are in the military, give them a call to say a simple thank you.It sounds cliché, but they truly give up their freedom in order to defend ours. —-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Our View: Take time to remember, thank a veteran today
November 10, 2009