HERGET RESIDENT CAUGHT WITH MARIJUANA, PARAPHERNALIAPatrick Hagood, an 18-year-old student of 5607 Woodlawn Place, New Orleans, was arrested Nov. 2 at 12:39 a.m. for simple possession of marijuana and paraphernalia.LSU Police Department officers were dispatched on a call to Herget Hall when someone reported the smell of burning marijuana, according to LSUPD Sgt. Antoine Busby.Once the officers knocked on Hagood’s door, Busby said they smelled a stronger odor coming from the room.They obtained permission to search the room where they discovered 3.5 grams of marijuana, cigarette papers, a glass pipe and a cigarette rolling machine.Hagood was issued a misdemeanor summons and released.- – WOMEN STEAL SNACKS, DRINKS FROM UNIONTwo University students; Shenice Jones, 22, and Dwana Wilkerson, 21; were arrested Nov. 3 at 1:18 p.m. for shoplifting from the LSU Student Union bookstore.Jones and Wilkerson, both of 2506 Gates Circle, were discovered stealing water, sports drinks and chips — worth a total of $15.92 — by an employee, Busby said.Busby said they were detained in the back room by a manager until LSUPD arrived. He said the women admitted to the thefts and were issued misdemeanor summons and released.- – STUDENTS TRESPASS IN HPL FIELDHOUSE AFTER HOURSKenneth Taylor, a 19-year-old student of 6069 Argonne Blvd., New Orleans; Williams Morrison, a 21-year-old student of 1443 Brightside Drive, and Jared Pope, a 22-year-old student of the same address, were arrested Nov. 4 for criminal trespassing.According to Busby, LSUPD officers responded to call concerning students entering the Huey P. Long Fieldhouse at about 7:42 p.m. Busby said officers found the students sitting on the second floor balcony. He said the students told officers they had read about the fieldhouse online and had wanted to check it out for themselves.They were issued misdemeanor summons and released.- – HABITUAL LINGERER THROWN OFF CAMPUSAfter multiple arrests for the same crime, David Zavala, a 41-year-old unaffiliated with the University from 2600 Florida Blvd., was arrested Nov. 5 at about 2:30 a.m. when he was found sleeping on campus.An LSUPD bicycle patrol found Zavala sleeping on the ground near the Union construction site, Busby said.After waking him, officers discovered he had been banned from campus before. He was arrested for remaining on campus after being forbidden, brought to the Public Safety Building and asked to leave campus.- – STUDENT PUNCHES WINDOW ON CAMPUS BUSAfter a Nov. 6 fight broke out on a University bus at about 2:53 a.m., the offenders were broken up by the bus driver and removed from the vehicle. According to Busby, Ryan Murphy, a 21-year-old student of 296 Al Harvey Road, Stonington, Conn., punched out one of the bus windows as he left.Busby said Murphy was identified by witnesses on the bus, but Murphy had left campus by the time officers arrived.Busby said officers were able to meet Murphy at the Regions Bank on Highland Road and Aster Street. He said the bus driver was called to the bank and identified Murphy as the offender.Murphy was arrested for criminal damage to property and booked in East Baton Rouge Parish Prison.- – – -Contact The Daily Reveille’s news staff at [email protected]
Crime Briefs: 11/11/09
November 10, 2009