Chancellor Michael Martin updated students, faculty and staff on the Tucker Commission, Flagship 2020 and University construction in an e-mail Monday. The update addressed pressing campus issues and continued University expansion in the face of budget cuts in the next fiscal year. Martin said the University is expecting to start construction on spring 2010 projects including the Business Education Complex, Choppin Hall Annex expansion and the new band hall. Martin also said the University will seek funding for French House remodeling, the purchase of South Campus land and several renovation and maintenance projects.Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Astrid Merget is in the process of visiting each college to present early drafts of the next flagship agenda — known as Flagship 2020 — and is looking for feedback from students, faculty and staff.Martin said the University should meet the goal of raising $750 million by 2010 through the Forever LSU campaign.Martin also reminded students the University is interviewing candidates for the Center for Computation and Technology Director and Vice Chancellor for Student Life positions. The University will soon begin to search for a Dean for Arts and Sciences and a Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development, Martin said.Martin also said the Post-Secondary Education Review Commission — also known as the Tucker Commission — is expected to reveal a set of recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of higher education institutions in Louisiana by mid-winter.The committee coordinating University realignment is expected to present a plan for realigning several academic units early in the next calendar year, Martin said.Martin said Merget has initiated three groups to review civic engagement, long distance learning and multi-year budgeting.He said planning is progressing for commemorating the University’s 150 anniversary next year.Martin was unavailable to comment on the update by press time.
– – – -Contact Xerxes A. Wilson at [email protected]
Chancellor Martin addresses expansion
November 30, 2009