LSU is investigating possible violations involving the football team, Athletic Director Joe Alleva confirmed Monday in a prepared statement.”Compliance issues are routinely monitored by our compliance staff and LSU is currently researching possible violations involving one assistant coach and one student-athlete in the sport of football,” Alleva said. “The involved student-athlete has not participated in competition for LSU. By procedure, the Southeastern Conference Office has been made aware of this circumstance by LSU. Privacy concerns for the University employee and the student-athlete preclude further comment at this time.”An LSU official told The Advocate the assistant coach involved in the investigation is wide receivers coach D.J. McCarthy.Herb Vincent, associate vice chancellor for University Relations and senior associate athletic director, would not confirm the name of the coach or the player.”This is an ongoing matter,” Vincent said. “I’m not at liberty to say anything more than what’s in the statement.”Vincent said the buyout in coach Les Miles’ contract would not be affected in light of the investigation.”Coach Miles’ contract is not an issue pertaining to this,” Vincent said. “This just involves an assistant coach.”Miles has “an obligation personally to comply with and to exercise due care that all personnel and students subject to his direct control or authority comply with governing athletic rules,” according to his contract.The announcement came on the Monday following the Tigers’ final regular season contest and at a time when most Louisiana sports fans were likely focused on the New Orleans Saints’ key matchup with the New England Patriots on Monday Night Football.—-Contact Rachel Whittaker at [email protected]
Football: Alleva says LSU investigating possible football violations
December 1, 2009