Editor’s note: This story is the third in a four-part series on the Student Government campaigns. The candidates will be presented alphabetically by last name. Student Government election campaigns focus on reaching students, but SG presidential candidate Theo Williams said his “Geauxing the Distance” campaign will do more.”My main focus will be going to the students,” Williams said. “My competitors are talking about what they have done — not what they’re going to do.”Williams and vice presidential candidate Millena Williams have been campaigning in Free Speech Alley and participated in the Freshman Leadership Council and Greek debate Tuesday night.The candidates discussed the importance of SG transparency, and “Geauxing the Distance” has an entire pushcard section devoted to the issue.”It’s going to be more and more important for students to be involved in the decisions being made,” Theo Williams said. “With the campaign, we’re going the distance to find students and get student opinion.”During the debate, Theo Williams said students’ most immediate need has to do with budget cuts.”We all know our classes are going to be cut,” Theo Williams said. “At the end of the day, we need to be more proactive in our approach.”SG presidential candidate J Hudson said he agrees with Williams and said the budget cut issues are getting worse.Millena Williams said one issue on their pushcard is for an iAdvocate program in which SG would spotlight students who want to voice their opinions concerning programs they’re passionate about at the University.Theo Williams currently serves in the executive branch as SG assistant director of external affairs. SG President Stuart Watkins said Theo Williams’s presence in SG has increased commitment to community among officials.”He really re-instilled that within this organization,” Watkins said. “He’s done a tremendous job with taking SG off campus and making it a part of the greater Baton Rouge community.”Theo Williams also worked under former SG President Colorado Robertson as an executive aide.”Theo came in very young and got involved, learned quick and listened before he talked,” Robertson said.Robertson said next year’s SG president and vice president will need to garner student involvement in budget cuts, including calling state representatives.”I can tell you that J, Theo and [opposing presidential candidate] Brooksie [Bonvillain] are all qualified candidates, and they all have a firm grasp on SG and how it impacts students on a daily basis,” Robertson said.Millena Williams currently serves as president of Volunteer LSU, an organization that provides service to the University and Baton Rouge community.”Everything I’ve been involved with at LSU, it’s been helping students,” she said. “I have a lot of experience already representing and being the liaison between students and things that need to happen on campus.”–Contact Catherine Threlkeld at cthrelkeld@lsureveille.com
Williams pair comes from SG, service backgrounds
March 17, 2010