Dead week just got funnier as Tiger TV comedy show “Sketchmo” will wrap up its first season tonight at the Varsity Theatre.”Sketchmo,” which has been on air since March, is a 30-minute sketch comedy production.The first season featured everything from a spoof of VH1’s Behind the Music — using ’80s band Hall & Oates as inspiration — to a parody of MTV’s show “Silent Library” and even a tribute to Nicolas Cage as one of the “greatest” actors of this generation.”I always tell people that I like to think of the show as a cross between SNL and Chappelle’s Show,” said Mac Alsfeld, English senior and the show’s creator.The party will include drinks, dancing and a full recap of the first season of the show, before the anticipated season finale.The last episode of season one will feature campus stars, including Russell Shepard, and will be “more raw and uncensored,” Alsfeld said.”This is just a night of comedy that will be kind of a culmination of the semester for the show and also Tiger TV as a whole,” Alsfeld said.He noted that a few television executives from the New Orleans area have taken notice of the show after a positive response in Baton Rouge.”There will be some scouts checking out the show and seeing what ‘Sketchmo’ is all about,” he said. “We’ve had good publicity in the local market, and the show at the Varsity feels like a chance to showcase ‘Sketchmo’ for a wider audience.”Alsfeld said the first season has been a learning experience and said he hopes students would laugh a little before the stress of exams.”It’s sort of your last chance to relax, laugh and have a few drinks before everybody has to start getting serious for the next two weeks,” Alsfeld said.The show begins at 9 p.m., and tickets are $5 at the door.—-Contact Chris Abshire at [email protected]
Tiger TV program wraps up first season
May 1, 2010