We all have finally gotten back into the swing of things with class and getting acclimated to a new school year, so now is a great time to get involved. As many of you know, there are local and state elections that are going to be held in November. Now is the time for everyone to start getting informed (if you haven’t already), registering to vote and actually voting.
Number one: get informed! I’ve covered in my previous columns how important it is for everyone to get informed on the candidates and the issues. The biggest problem facing a democratic society is an uninformed electorate. There are plenty of ways that this can be accomplished. Go to the local candidate’s Web sites. There will be plenty of information about the candidates and what they believe in. You can contact your local chapter of either the Republican or Democratic Party. The NCGOP is right down Hillsborough Street, approximately a five minute walk form campus. If you have any questions about anything related to the candidates, their platforms, how to register to vote or anything else you might think of, the people will be more than happy to help you.
Number two: register to vote. If you are not registered to vote, then it doesn’t matter how informed you are or how mad you are at our current politicians. You have to register to make a difference. There are many different ways to get registered to vote. Firstly, you can go to the DMV and register, but I know how thrilling it is to go to the DMV. You also have the option of mailing in a voter registration form to the N.C. Board of Elections (NCBOE). These forms can be obtained from public libraries or by calling the NCBOE. There are so many places made available.
Now for the most important thing that is often overlooked: GO VOTE! I cannot tell you the countless times over the past 10 years that I have heard people complaining about the people in office. When I asked if they voted for or against them their response was, “Oh, I didn’t vote.” Really? You have no right to complain about who got elected unless you make the effort and go vote. Perhaps if all the people that sit around and complain about who is in office yet make no effort to change it went out and voted the next time, then they wouldn’t have to complain about how our state or country is being run into the ground. This is your chance to make a difference, to help put the country on the right track again. Don’t use the classic “I was too busy” or “I didn’t have time.” You can vote early if you do not think that you will have time come Nov. 2. You can just send a request for an absentee/early ballot to whichever county’s BOE you are registered to vote in. Or you can, starting on Oct. 14, go vote at the Wake County BOE. Also, starting on Oct. 22, you can go vote at various early voting community centers around Wake County.