Protesters will gather both Thursday and Friday on the State Capitol steps to show support for the coastal communities affected by the oil spewing into the Gulf and to urge state legislators to increase regulation of the industry.”Everything about Louisiana that makes this a place people like is at risk right now,”said Devin Martin, an organizer of the protest. “Love Your Coast,” a peaceful demonstration being held at noon both days, is a grassroots movement organized by five different groups — Coastal Rescue, Youth Alliance of Louisiana Leaders, Sierra Club Delta Chapter and the Student Coalition to Help the Oil Leak Relief.Martin, who is also the conservation coordinator of Sierra Club’s Delta Chapter, said Thursday will focus on educating participants about how to contact their state and federal representatives while Friday will be the “bigger day.”Protesters will march from the Old State Capitol to the new State Capitol steps at 11:30 a.m. on Friday while bicyclists ride from Memorial Tower at the same time to join the cause. The protests officially start at noon on both Thursday and Friday. –Contact Nicholas Persac at [email protected]
Protestors to gather to support coast
June 16, 2010