The LSU Student Senate has proposed a Student Bill of Rights for students to vote on.
Student Senator Catherine McKinney brought back this bill that had originally passed through the student senate two to three years ago, but never went through the faculty senate.
The Student Bill of Rights states:
1. Students have the responsibility to follow the student code of conduct.
2. Students have the right to meet with professors or instructors concerning their classes.
3. Students have the responsibility to attend class and to seek out work for which they have missed in the case of an excused absence.
4. Students have the right to make up course work for absences deemed excusable by PS-22 or an individual professor.
5. Students are responsible for providing reasonable advance notice and appropriate documentation to be excused from class or an assignment.
6. Students have the right to access the syllabi in their courses and to any changes that are made during the semester in accordance with ps-29.
7. Students have the right to view updated grade information during the semester.
8. Students have the right to appeal the decisions of their professors in accordance with PS-48.
9. Students have the responsibility to make appeals of final grades within 30 days after the beginning of the next regular semester.
10. Students have the right to re-schedule a final exam if there are three final examinations scheduled within a 24 hour time period.
11. Students have the responsibility to request to the dean of their college that their exams be re-scheduled when this occurs.
12. Students cannot have their opinions weighed negatively when expressed within the context of a course and the course material.
13. Students have the right to confidentiality of their records in accordance with FERPA.
14. Students have the right to access free on-campus resources when available and appropriate for an assignment.
15. Students have the right to be considered stakeholders in the University policies that affect their abilities to achieve academic and personal success on campus.
“I really hope that students have an avenue to protest of they find their rights as a student have been violated, to feel like their voices are heard and their opinions do matter,” McKinney said.
McKinney said while there were policies already stated, the University rarely enforces them.
Students will be able to vote on Moodle for the Student Bill of Rights on March 18, and the faculty senate will vote on the bill on March 20.