A classic show gone baroque.
This week was full of famous motifs and delicate romantic moments all pulling their inspirations from nationalistic pride, love, and adoration.
Romance no 2 in F Major opus 50, Beethoven, Jascha Heifetz
American Quartet, Antonin Dvorak, New York Philharmonic String Quartet
Violin Concerto no 5, Movement 3, Amadeus Mozart, Bomsori Kim
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, Debussy
Ma Vlast “Moldau”, Smetana, Polish National Radio Orchestra
Pavane for a Dead Princess, Ravel, National Orchestra of France
Trio no 2. op 100, andante con moto, Schubert
Concerto no 2 in E minor “La Stravanganza”, Vivialdi
Concerto for 2 violins and cello in D minor, Vivaldi
Chaccone in A Major, Helene Schmitt