Recently, I took a mini trip to visit a friend in Houston and it got me thinking, not about the work I had left behind in Baton Rouge but of how relaxed and happy I was not worrying.
This is not so much a column as it is an encouragement to fellow students to take time to travel. Every semester, I hear from at least one study abroad representative speaking on the advantages of travel for college students. Although I agree that studying abroad is valuable, I also think you don’t have to spend a lot of money or even go that far.
Taking time away from campus is valuable. Whether it is in another country, another state or even to your hometown, traveling is a great experience. Traveling is good for the soul. It’s a way for students to clear their heads of campus life and concerns. Traveling allows for a different perspective and a learning experience.
I’ve heard that you have to travel to really appreciate where you came from. Although I don’t think you have to leave campus to know how great the University is, I believe travel helps strengthen your sense of pride.
College is the best time to get out and experience something new. It’s better to go before we settle down and start our careers. Getting a different perspective from a new place allows students to become more aware of the world around them, and might even help in deciding their future.
I’ve personally always loved traveling. Even if it’s just a weekend trip to New Orleans, I’m eager to pack a bag and go. Through my travels, I learned that I want to move out of state for a career. Getting to walk around a new place and take it in allows me to picture living and working there.
Travel helps people indulge in different cultures and be aware and knowledgeable about the world around them. This is important for students to experience because we are at the age where we can understand and appreciate different cultures, becoming more empathetic and broad-minded.
Traveling with friends and family is a fun bonding experience. I took a trip to Florida for spring break with friends freshman year, and we still talk about it today. I’ve taken summer vacations with my family when I was younger that I fondly remember, and that sparked my interest in traveling.
However, my favorite way to travel is by myself. In high school, I traveled to Indiana alone and it was one of the best things I’ve done. It was exciting to make my own decisions, only having to worry about myself and my experiences. It was eye-opening to focus on myself as opposed to a whole group of people.
Whether it be alone or with friends, traveling abroad or one state over, spending a fortune or nothing at all, traveling is not only beneficial and educational, it’s fun.
Shelby Bordes is a 21-year-old mass communication junior from Rayne, Louisiana.
Opinion: LSU students, college students in general, should travel more, expand horizons
February 28, 2020
LSU students travel to the Sahara Desert in Morocco as part of a spring break study abroad program.