College acceptance letters are cause for celebration, but does it matter what they look like?
The buzz surrounding the University’s acceptance letters has grown in recent weeks. Newly implemented pop-up letters have replaced the traditional letter formats in some cases, and social media took notice. Twitter has been full of arguments and discussion concerning the new format of acceptance letters.
The acceptance letters were implemented two years ago for the class of 2022. Students who received the letters have had positive reactions and even cited them as reasons for choosing the University. The extra effort put forward by the University seemingly sealed the deal for prospective students trying to decide where to go. It’s clear that a large community of people think the new design is cool and interesting.
This positive reaction wasn’t shared by all. Students who didn’t receive the new letters have expressed discontent over their less elaborate acceptance letters. The traditional sheet of paper was lackluster in comparison, and some felt shorted.
Students took to social media to voice support and dissent of the apparently controversial pop-up acceptance letters. The debate between those who support the pop-ups and those who oppose them has been fervent.
The perks of a pop-up acceptance letter in comparison to a traditional sheet of paper are obvious. The opposition voiced their concerns over the price of the letters and the priorities of the University. Some feel the University should have different financial priorities, considering the condition of several buildings on campus.
I understand why the University would prioritize the letters. Getting your acceptance letter can be an incredibly memorable moment, and the letters themselves hold exceptional value.
My experience with the University’s acceptance letter was memorable, but not because of the paper it came on. I cannot tell you what the letter said; I remember the letter because of how I felt when I read it. The moment I saw the word “accepted” on that page, my heart jumped. I think the experience of receiving an acceptance letter in and of itself is incredible.
While my acceptance letter is lost and probably in a landfill, the pop-up designs seem more likely to last. The elaborately designed keepsakes are something special that students can keep for the rest of their lives. Families of first-generation college students would be especially likely to enjoy such a memorable letter as something with lasting sentimental value.
The coolest part of any acceptance letter will always be the message, but new and fascinating designs attract the attention of prospective students and help contribute to the image of the University. The future holds new and exciting things for the University and its students, but the sentimental feelings that make college and acceptance letters special are not going to change.
Cory Koch is a 20-year-old political science senior from Alexandria, Louisiana.
Opinion: LSU pop-up acceptance letters are great keepsakes, but the message is what truly matters
By by Cory Koch
February 29, 2020