Stars: 4.5/5
It’s hard enough being a teenage girl. Not only do you bleed out of your vagina for the first time, but you have to accept that you will be bleeding once a month for the rest of your fertile life. Ladies, imagine you get your period for the first time, but instead of crying to your mom, dad, sibling or dog, you are forced to cry to the correctional officer in prison. That just about perfectly sums up Netflix’s new show, “Girls Incarcerated: Young and Locked Up.”
I guess Netflix heard that I was recently single, free from “Grey’s Anatomy” and looking for a rebound. The stars aligned and I stumbled upon a show that Netflix gave me a 98 percent match with and I couldn’t just let it slip away. As someone who watched “Orange is the New Black” religiously, I can see why “Girls Incarcerated” and I were so perfect for each other.
“Girls Incarcerated” follows the lives of teenage girls, who just so happen to be inmates of the Madison Juvenile Correctional Facility in Indiana. The show premiered March 2 with eight episodes. The 40-minute episodes fly by as you get to know each inmate and their devastating stories.
The show opens with 17-year-old Brianna Guerra who has been in and out of the system for about four years. She is allegedly in Madison for armed robberies, drug use and eventually violating her probation. Just as most of the other inmates, Guerra just wants to make her family proud. She has dreams of leaving Madison and possibly joining the navy. Unfortunately, she is still locked up, but has thousands of Netflix viewers routing for her.
Perhaps the most heartbreaking moment in the show is when we meet and learn about 17-year-old Taryn Twine. Instead of being forced into the correctional facility, Twine checked herself into Madison after accidentally killing her friend in a car crash. Though it was an accident, Twine fully blames herself. She feels that she deserves to be punished for what happened, which is unique compared to the other girls of Madison. Many of them have no remorse and are in denial. Many of them go about their time in Madison blaming everyone but themselves.
17-year-old Sarah Maxwell is a returning inmate at Madison and is somewhat thankful to be there. She came to Madison after her mother got her addicted to meth and heroin, causing Maxwell to lash out while serving time. Maxwell’s story isn’t uncommon on the grounds of Madison, many girls struggle with addiction and seek treatment during their stay. Prison might not be the ideal place for rehab, but is a sure way to keep clean.
The girls at Madison Correctional Facility haven’t had easy lives, but they find solace in being around other girls like them. They see each other grow and change into better people, leaving them better prepared for the world outside. If viewers have learned anything from the show, it’s that anyone, even teen inmates, can be an inspiration.