I am writing in response to Ms. Sylvester’s opinion article regarding Kick Butts Day and LSU becoming a smoke-free campus. First, allow me to clarify that I am not currently, have never been and do not ever foresee being a smoker. I value my lungs as much as the next person. However, this business of involving government in making the world a smoke-free haven must stop.
Let’s face it, seeing the same “smoke-free” bills on the ballots is getting old, and passing them is completely unconstitutional and un-American. We are a country that prides ourselves on freedom and rights. Smokers have made the choice to poison themselves and, as an American, that is their right. They have the right to do so in any establishment that will have them, as it is the establishment owner that has the right to decide whether to allow smoking – not the government. Non-smokers, have chosen not to smoke, and it is their right not to frequent those establishments that allow smoking. Simply stated: If you don’t like it, leave.
Ms. Sylvester is fighting a losing battle. There are many anti-smoking programs in place focused on kids and teenagers as well as adults. The fact is, people (even kids) have their own minds, and they will either heed the advice they’re given or they won’t. Making the entire country a non-smoking bubble will not change that. There will always be smokers, and where there are smokers there will inevitably be smoke. Second-hand smoke is the risk you run when you date, marry or surround yourself with a smoker for an extended period of time. If you find yourself in one of these positions, you have the right to not be around that person. Just realize, whether you like it or not, they have the right smoke and to do so where they wish.
Despite what other universities, state and local governments are doing, making a state-funded university like LSU a non-smoking campus is undeniably unconstitutional. In addition, requiring private establishments to be smoke-free is equally unconstitutional. If the government decides to impose a higher tobacco tax, go for it. That’s their right.
However, to have government involvement in social issues such as this is shaky ground at best. It should remain up to the business owner to make such judgements about what type of business they wish to run, up to the individual to decide whether smoking is something they wish to do and up to the smoker or non-smoker to avoid situations where each other’s lifestyle’s clash.
Amanda Mills
Letter to the Editor
March 23, 2011