Even in 74-degree weather, there was snow on the University’s campus.
Snowing in the South, the Residence Hall Association’s sixth annual event, finally took place on the Parade Ground on Monday after being rescheduled three times.
Despite the delays, students threw snowballs, made snowmen or simply watched from the sidelines while RHA blasted popular songs from speakers near the flagpole.
Weather concerns caused the first two postponements, and the most recent delay arose because of scheduling issues with security personnel.
This year’s rendition was the latest in the year the event has ever been held. Kim Savoy, RHA programming and finance coordinator and elementary education senior, said last year was the only other time the event was held during the spring semester.
“I like it better when it’s warmer,” said Joel Taylor, physics sophomore. “You can just step away and warm up.”
The “snow” is actually shavings from multiple blocks of ice totaling seven tons, according to Steve Waller, director of Residential Life.
“It’s like a snow cone,” Waller said about the shavings.
Emily Reckenbeil, architecture freshman, said she expected the event to be bigger and have more snow, but everyone still seemed to have fun at the event.
Snowing in the South is typically for campus residents only. But this year to receive funding from Student Government, the event was open to all University students.
“I didn’t expect this many people to be here,” said Max O’Krepki, geology junior.
Video: Snowing in the South
Though SG contributed funds to the program when it was for residents only, Adam Lagneaux, director of SG’s Programming Support and Initiatives Fund and finance senior, said SG realized PSIF is only supposed to fund events where the whole student body can attend.
“We checked the bylaws and saw that they were not being followed,” Lagneaux said. “We’re changing a lot of things this year to be fair to all organizations.”
SG contributed $1,500 to the event, Lagneaux said.
Savoy said the event cost about $9,000, with the majority provided by residents’ rent.
“Judging by past attendance, the cost per person averages to less than $5,” Savoy said.
Contact Emily Herrington at eherrington@lsureveille.com
RHA holds annual event after three postponements
February 28, 2011