Warm weather has arrived just in time for the LSU UREC’s Adventure Palooza.
Beginning Saturday, the outdoor adventure education course will include instruction in kayaking, canoeing and rock climbing in addition to participation on the challenge courses.
The eight-session course is designed to provide participants with a foundation in outdoor activities. Skills learned in the course are aimed toward aiding in future outdoor activity participation. According to Chris Bullard, Adventure Education Coordinator and Adventure Palooza instructor, after completion of the course students should feel empowered to go out and do these outdoor activities by themselves.
“We’re trying to give students the ability to try out everything adventure education has to offer,” Bullard said.
Adventure Palooza will be held from 10 a.m. to noon the next eight Saturdays, starting Feb. 19, at the LSU UREC facilities and University lakes. The course’s student fee of $65 will cover all rental and instructional expenses. Visit the LSU UREC to sign up and receive more information.
Contact Josh Naquin at [email protected]
Adventure Palooza instructs students in outdoor fun
February 18, 2011