Seven hundred pieces of fish, 225 pounds of rice, 75 gallons of green beans and 50 gallons of gumbo were donated by one community with one mission. In the spirit of giving, a University student traveled with Cameron Parish residents more than 13 hours on five trailer trucks to aid tornado victims in Joplin, Mo.
From June 24 to 26, construction management senior Kory Dahlen and a crew of 16 men from South Cameron Alumni Association and Cameron Parish served more than 3,200 dishes of Louisiana cuisine to the Joplin community.
Ryan Bourriaque, South Cameron Alumni Association president and LSU alumnus, said the people of Joplin appreciated the volunteers’ spirit, enthusiasm, food and music.
“One lady offered to move our head chef in with her,” he said. “We taught them how to jitterbug, waltz and, of course, do the residents.”
Many volunteers described the trip as the most rewarding experience of their lives.
Dahlen said he was proud to see Louisianians sacrifice their summers to help those in need. It reminded him of volunteer efforts following hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
During the trip, relief workers visited with residents and elected officials, handing out LSU shirts and hats.
“The majority of the city council was sporting purple and gold,” Bourriaque said.
Other items donated by the LSU community including clothing, cooking items and drinks were distributed to tornado victims.
Determined to make a difference, Cameron Parish residents plan to visit to Joplin again from August 19 to 21 to cook more Louisiana meals and participate in the Adopt-A-Classroom program to benefit Joplin schools.
“We visited with school officials and [teachers] at a high school to figure out what is of the most need,” Bourriaque said.
The majority of monetary donations collected will be used to sponsor one of the classrooms in the city’s temporary school facility. The money will purchase chairs, desks, computers and bookshelves.
Bourriaque said its impossible to know when tragedy will strike a state or community.
“Never underestimate the importance of paying it forward,” he said. “If you are afforded the opportunity to assist with a cause that you believe in, take advantage of it and make time. It will be well worth
Relief group serves 3,200 dishes to Joplin, Mo., tornado victims, workers
July 13, 2011