“I think it’ll make a person become insane.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so horrible.”
“Why would they even make something like this?”
Normally, quotes like these would not be what a company is looking for to promote its new product.
But it seems video game mega-publisher Electronic Arts doesn’t mind and is using anti-endorsements like these in its most recent ad campaign for its new game, “Dead Space 2.”
The “Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2” ad first premiered during the Falcons-Packers NFL playoff game.
The idea for the ad was simple: set up a “focus group” of 200 middle-aged or older women, show them the most violent, gruesome and disturbing images from “Dead Space 2” and film their reactions.
The outcome is pure gold.
Unanimously every mom hated what she saw.
The footage was filled with looks of disgust, hands over mouths and the constant repeating of “Oh, my God!”
For those unfamiliar with “Dead Space,” the original takes place on a doomed space research vessel, the USG Ishimura.
Players fill the shoes of engineer Isaac Clarke and must investigate the Ishimura to discover the mystery that lies within.
However, horrific mutant-like creatures known as necromorphs start attacking — but instead of simply shooting the monsters to kill them, players must use “strategic dismemberment” to gradually sever the enemy’s limbs one by one to destroy it.
Gruesome for sure.
Opinion Video: Dead Space 2
With the sequel coming out today, it would’ve only been a matter of time until conservative housewives were banging on EA’s door demanding the heads of whoever created such the monstrosity tainting poor Little Johnny’s mind.
But instead, EA embraces this fact — and even has a voiceover in the ad say, “it’s revolting, it’s violent, it’s everything you love in a game … and your mom’s gonna hate it” — and effectively eliminates the main ammunition of these parent groups.
But, some of my friends — as well as many others in the gaming community — don’t share my enthusiasm toward the ad campaign.
Many claim the ad is misguided and seems to be marketing children, rather than its target audience of adults.
By claiming “your mom will hate this,” EA is paving the way for more child rebellion through dangerous child consumption.
While I can see where these people are coming from, I can’t agree with their arguments.
“Dead Space 2” is rated M for “mature.”
I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it: This means the game was made for adults, by adults.
A retail store can’t legally sell an M-rated game to someone younger than the age of 17.
Will someone under that age play the game? Of course.
But that’s not the fault of the developers. It’s the fault of the parents — for either buying the game for their kids, or being unaware of what their children are doing.
If Little Johnny asks his mom for “Dead Space 2,” a simple Google search will show EA saying she’s going to hate it and why.
But many parents don’t do that — they just blame others for their own ignorance and laziness.
The original “Dead Space” was a terrific, terrifying thriller and easily put the “horror” back in a survival-horror game.
And I feel the second will be no different.
Controversy sells.
Instead of waiting around for the controversy to hit them in the face, EA officials put their “dirty laundry” out for all to see.
And while the game may be no “Mass Effect 2,” it’ll still be a fantastic thriller, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Adam Arinder is a 21-year-old communication studies senior from Baton Rouge. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_aarinder.
Contact Adam Arinder at [email protected]
Press X To Not Die: Your mom will definitely hate this column, ‘Dead Space 2’
By Adam Arinder
January 25, 2011