Last week Chancellor Woodson announced the possibility of a budget cut of up to 15 percent at N.C. State. The responsibility of dealing with the impact of this budget cut lies with University officials Provost Warwick Arden and Vice Chancellor Charles Leffler. They will have a very important role in future decision-making process related to these cuts. We as students can certainly make a difference by being aware of every important decision they make and hold them accountable for the power they have.
The budget cuts have already initiated some difficult decisions. Some courses may be removed or departments will be cut or consolidated. The number of students in some classes may increase. People will lose their jobs. The growth of N.C. State may come to a stand still for some time.While we watch the changes unfold, we need to be conscience of the consequences of these decisions.
Provost Warwick Arden and Vice Chancellor Charles Leffler are shouldering an enormous responsibility. Their decisions will directly affect our lives and our futures, as well as future students. We need to understand that they know how to do their job. We do not need blindly oppose every decision they make without analyzing the consequences on our future. Some of their decisions could have a positive impact on future of N.C. State. While this is true, we must also not blindly agree with their decision either.
If we choose to accept any oftheir decisions, we need to insist on accountability at all times. All major decisions and their consequences should be publicly announced and justified using press conferences, press releases or other public media. We expect to be informed about every development and decision, because our futures are at stake and we will ultimately be affected. We need to ensure that decisions are not just announced but are appropriately implemented for the betterment of students. We should insist on a timeline for implementation of every decision.
Though budget cuts are a disadvantage for N.C. State in the short run, if implemented in the right manner they may help N.C. State in the long run. These budget cuts will implement the “survival of fittest” strategy, where only courses that are necessary and departments that add value to N.C. State will be retained.
We need to observe carefully every decision University officials make because their decisions are directly affecting us. While they try to negate the impact of the budget cuts, we need to ensure that none of their actions will affect the quality of education at N.C. State. As we choose to support of oppose their decisions, we as students need to be aware of our rights and our powers and exercise them if necessary.