Mike VI has been battling cancer for the last 4 months. Just last week it was announced that his cancer had spread and he would only have 1-2 months to live.
Those months were short lived when early Tuesday morning Mike VI passed.Students and supports were devastated about the loss of Mike.
“It’s very heartbreaking around here, especially for the athletic department. I mean on my recruit trip this was the first place they took me to come visit mike.”
Said Riley Young, LSU student.
LSU’s student government stepped up and held a memorial in front of Mikes habitat at 6:45 October 12, 2016. Fans and students from all over came out to support.
“I saw the void. It was kind of shocking to me that we weren’t going to do anything. I saw the opportunity for student government to make a difference. A lot of students don’t normally see us on the grounds like this so this was an easy way to do it”
Said, Zachary Faircloth, Student Government President.
Everyone shared his or her messages and favorite memories with Mike. They wrote notes, signs and cards for in mourning for the beloved mascot.
Students and fans show nothing but love for Mike VI after his passing
October 14, 2016
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