SG candidates support Union fee
To the student body of Louisiana State University,
We understand that by supporting the passage of this fee that we are maintaining the commitment that the student body showed in the 1950s when they voted to fund the construction of the Union. We remember that the Student Government of that time participated in a nationwide search before deciding on a layout for the building and the student body voted to increase their fees by an amount equal to one-third of their tuition. This sacrifice illustrated the importance of the Union then — as this current fee shows our appreciation and need for this facility now.
According to WTW’s survey approximately 70 percent of the student body passes through the Union during an average week. Hundreds enjoy late night activities here and the vast majority of students involved in campus organizations regularly use this “campus living room” to house their efforts and events. The maintenance and expansions proposed are modest in relation to other universities and would benefit most of the population of our University. The student organizational center especially would offer opportunities never before seen to bring the power of all student groups together in one place to work to better all of our lives on campus.
We appreciate the openness of the Union administration in providing information to students regarding budget numbers and cost analysis. We also appreciate their openness and inclusion of student voices in the Union’s research and planning for this proposal.
Therefore, as candidates for Student Government president, we stand together with the current student body president in unanimous support of the Union fee increase. We encourage the student body to vote for this referendum.
Allen Richey – presidential candidate
Jay Buller – presidential candidate
Kyle Wilkinson – presidential candidate
Darrell Broussard – SG president
A young one’s tribute to Wally
A 3-year-old little buddy of mine named Ryan Achee went to an LSU baseball game recently and was not acting like his usual talkative and happy self.
He appeared to be a little depressed and stated that he was ready to leave before the game was over. This is not typical of Ryan, since he absolutely loves LSU sports.
When his mother questioned why, he responded, “Mommy, I’m just sad.” His mother said, “Well that’s okay, baby. What are you sad about?” Ryan responded, “I’m sad ’cause I am not going to any more baseball games until Wally isn’t dead anymore.” Wally Pontiff was Ryan’s favorite baseball player last season and he, like many LSU fans, is very sad that Wally is not with us anymore.
Sandy Englert
Senior — General Studies
Letters to the Editor
March 31, 2003