Students who will not be able to vote in the Student Government general election next week can vote today.
Absentee voting for SG candidates will take place from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the lobby of Johnston Hall.
Students will vote for SG president and vice president. The qualified candidates, respectively, are Jay Buller and Robert Lay, Travis Leblanc and J. Ben Edmonds, Allen Richey and Jason Wesley, and Kyle Wilkinson and Danny Rockwell.
Besides the top two executive offices, students will have the opportunity to vote for representatives from each college, student senators and representatives from the Athletic Council, Union Governing Board and University Court.
Students also will vote on a referendum to increase the Union fee. If approved, the referendum will increase the current Union fee by $10 per spring and fall semester for the next six semesters and by $9 per summer semester.
The spring and fall semester fee increase will be capped at $107, a figure that includes the existing fee of $47, in the spring of 2006.
The summer semester fee will be capped at $35.75, including the current fee of $8.75, in the summer of 2006.
The general election is Wednesday, April 2 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
SG absentee voting takes place today
March 25, 2003