Today – Friday, April 11
SEACGeneral Meeting3 p.m., 28 Life SciencesContact [email protected]
Open Circle at LSU Weekly Meeting8 p.m., Union Council RoomContact [email protected]
Hill Farm Community Garden4:30 p.m., Hill Farm teaching facilityContact Jason Avant, 673-6523
Catholic Student Center Join us in church as we pray the rosary6 p.m., Highland @ Dalyrmple
ACM — LSU Microsoft “Tech Talk”FREE food and drink w/ door prizesCome learn about .NET and the MSDNAA3-4 p.m., 209 CoatesContact Robert Perkins, [email protected]
LSU SEACPress Release of “Green Washing: Corporate Sponsorship of Baton Rouge Day”1:30 p.m., Union side of LSU Parade Ground
Francophone Film Festival 200310 a.m.-noon, 234 Prescott, “Ainsi Meurent les Anges” by Moussa Sène Absa1:30-4:30 p.m., 234 Prescott, “Clando” By Jean-Marie TénoMajor Roundtable Discussion: “Social and Political Discourse in Africa” Francophone Cinema
SanskritiIndian Student Association’s Official Spring Banquet6 p.m., Saturday, Union Royal Cotillion Ballroom
Broadway in Baton Rouge”Fosse” will be featured at the Riverside Centroplex TheaterSunday, tickets $24.50-49.50Call 761-8400 to purchase and 389-3093 for information
“Passages: A Story of Lewis and Clark”Jamie Wax and Paul Taranto’s new musicalLSU Union Theater, two nights only, April 11 at 7:30 p.m. and April 12 at 5 p.m.Tickets are $20 and up and are available at the LSU Union Box Office, 578 5128, and Ticketmaster, 761-8400
LSU Theatre’s Studio Season presents “Goblin Market”Book and music by Polly Pen and Peggy Harmon, adapted from the poem by Christina RossettiApril 3-12, Theatre 150 in the Music and Dramatic Arts BuildingSuggested donation of $6; tickets go on sale 30 minutes prior to performanceThursday-Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, 2 p.m.Contact 578-4174, or visit
LSU NAACPCharity Raffle benefitting the American Cancer SocietyPrizes include gift certificates to Target, Portobello’s, Boutin’s, NEXCALL and a $100 gift certificate to Circuit City Prices are $1 and $2; see any member of NAACP to purchase a ticket Contact Melody Robinson, [email protected]
UPC Lively Arts Committee presents SWING!Friday, April 25, 8 p.m.Nominated for six Tony Awards, SWING! is an all-singing, all-dancing evening of entertainment, featuring a mix of new and classic songs and more than 30 tour de force dance numbers — some comic, some romantic, some nostalgic, some sexyTickets: $13-37LSU Union Box Office, 578-5128, open Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Art ExhibitionFeaturing the art of Srinivas KathojuMarch 14-April 30, 5-8 p.m.Elizabethan Gallery, 680 Jefferson HighwayCall 383-9779 or 924-6437
LSU’s Swine Palace Productions presents “Louisiana Purchase”Music and lyrics by Irving Berlin, book by Morrie RyskindMarch 27-April 13, Reilly Theatre, Tower DriveIn this musical comedy, Mardi Gras comes roaring onto the stage as a nosy Northern senator finds himself snared in a good old-fashioned Louisiana scandalStudents $12, faculty $19, public $27-$30Wednesday-Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, 2 p.m.For tickets and information, call 578-3527, or visit
Delta Sigma Theta SororityTickets for the Delta Ball are available nowSee any member of Delta Sigma Theta to get a ticket April 26 at the Marriot Hotel
Black Student UnionFor those interested in representing a black student organizationApplications available for Mr. & Mrs. BSU Pageant in the AACC until April 11Contact Jennifer Grace, 334-4204
April 10, 2003