Today – Wednesday, April 2
Career ServicesTeacher Recruitment DayRepresentatives from schools across the United States will be recruiting for teaching positions8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., LSU Fieldhouse
Go Club at LSU4:30-8:30 p.m., second floor Union next to PJ’s coffeeContact Jack Breaux, 334-4547
Music & Mayhem Committee Weekly meeting4:45 p.m., Union Barataria RoomSponsored by UPC Music & Mayhem Committee
Catholic Student CenterStudent Mass — praise and worship music, an intimate worship environment and fellowship after mass8:15 p.m., Highland @ Dalrymple
Lively Arts CommitteeHelp select and promote nationally touring Broadway musicals, dance companies, comedy acts and plays4:30 p.m., Union Orleans Room
Spread a Little LoveStudents with extra meals are invited to come swipe underprivileged children into the Pentagon Dining Hall, interact with them and attend an LSU baseball game with them4 p.m., Pentagon Dining Hall
Black Student UnionGeneral meeting, absentee voting for spring elections5 p.m., AACC, voting all day
Engineering CouncilGeneral Meeting4:30 p.m., Room 3515 CEBA
LSU Baseball vs. Nicholls State First pitch is at 6:30 p.m. Students get in FREE with ID
American Medical Student AssociationPrinceton Review representative will answer MCAT questions5 p.m., Room 201 Williams
Atheists, Humanists and AgnosticsWeekly AHA meeting, trip to filming of Late Late Show with Craig KilborneDues-paying members are invited Carpool meeting at Tureaud Hall, 3:30-10 p.m.
Tomorrow – Thursday, April 3
Sigma Alpha IotaAnnual book sale to benefit music resources in the library8:30-9 p.m. in the School of Music lobby
Public Relations Student Society of AmericaMeeting on special event planning5-6 p.m., Union Acadian RoomContact Megan Monsour, 761-1241
Green Party Meeting5 p.m., Women’s Center
Psi Chi/Psychology ClubWeekly meeting4:45 p.m., Room 104 AudubonContact Janessa Marsh, [email protected]
Career ServicesCareer Occupational Preferences systemTest, which includes interest and values inventories and a set of abilities tests. Cost is $109 a.m.-noon, Room B-2 Coates
Running Club of LSURunning, jogging or walking6 p.m., Laville patio
XA LiveSponsored by Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship7 p.m., Dodson AuditoriumContact Monica Filgo, 334-3252
Career ServicesInterviewing workshop1:30 – 2:30 p.m., Room B-2 Coates
Affiliated Blind Of Louisiana Membership drive for Baton Rouge chapter 7 p.m., Goodwood Library Anyone from the general area with a visual impairment or who is interested in vision loss is invited. We always need volunteers to help drive members to and from the meetings
LSU NAACPCharity Raffle, benefitting the American Cancer SocietyPrizes include gift certificates to Target, Portobello’s, Boutin’s, NEXCALL and a $100 gift certificate to Circuit City Prices are $1 and $2; see any member of NAACP to purchase a ticket Contact Melody Robinson, [email protected]
UPC Lively Arts Committee presents SWING!Friday, April 25, 8 p.m.Nominated for six Tony Awards, SWING! is an all-singing, all-dancing evening of entertainment, featuring a mix of new and classic songs and more than 30 tour de force dance numbers — some comic, some romantic, some nostalgic, some sexyTickets: $13-37LSU Union Box Office, 578-5128; open Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Art ExhibitionFeaturing the art of Srinivas KathojuMarch 14-April 30, 5-8 p.m.Elizabethan Gallery, 680 Jefferson Highway383-9779, 924-6437
LSU’s Swine Palace Productions presents “Louisiana Purchase”Music and lyrics by Irving Berlin, book by Morrie RyskindMarch 27-April 13, Reilly Theatre, Tower DriveIn this musical comedy, Mardi Gras comes roaring onto the stage as a nosey Northern senator finds himself snared in a good old-fashioned Louisiana scandalStudents $12, Faculty $19, Public $27-$30Wednesday-Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, 2 p.m.For tickets and info, call 578-3527 or visit
Delta Sigma Theta SororityTickets for the Delta Ball are available now! See any member of Delta Sigma Theta to get a ticket April 26 at the Marriot
April 2, 2003