Today – Thursday, May 1
Oil, Corruption and Development in Francophone AfricaPresented by the Center for French and Francophone Studies2 p.m., Hill Memorial LibraryContact Eric Horent, 772-7552
Constitutional Reform and Political Violence in Francophone AfricaPresented by the Center for French and Francophone Studies3:15 p.m., Hill Memorial LibraryContact Eric Horent, 772-7552
Sigma/Omega WeekQuesino Night with the Sigmas7-9 p.m., Tiger Paws in UnionContact Ishuia, [email protected]
S.E.A.C.Movie, “Baraka”7 p.m., Room 5 LockettContact Joe, 334-4249
XA LiveSponsored by Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship7 p.m., Dodson AuditoriumContact Monica Filgo, 334-3252 Green Party meeting5 p.m., Women’s Center
CANOLAMovie, “Reefer Madness”7 p.m., Room 5 LockettContact Joe, 334-4249
BSU WeekRhythm Nation’s Hip-Hop Feminism ForumSponsored by the Black Student Union and the AACC7-9 p.m., AACCContact Jennifer Grace, [email protected]
Pi Sigma EpsilonGeneral meeting open to all majors6 p.m., Room 2162 CEBA
Collegiate 4-H at LSULast meeting of the semester4:45 p.m., Knapp Hall lounge
Baptist Collegiate MinistryLuau TNT7 p.m. Free food, fun, games and worshipAll students are invited
LSU NAACPVote for 2003-2004 Executive BoardAny dues-paying member is eligible to vote5 p.m., AACCContact Melody Robinson, [email protected]
Economics and International Trade & Finance Club Meeting Pizza and drinks will be provided4:30 p.m., Room 2139 CEBA
MSPPSGeneral body meeting and elections7 p.m., Union Feliciana Room
The Association of Information Technology Professionals “Pennies for Petz”Asking students to donate their spare change. The money will go to the Animal Shelter of Baton Rouge.In front of the Union and CEBA buildings
Tomorrow – Friday, May 2
College Republican Alliance4th Annual Spring Banquet, featuring talk show host Moon Griffon6:30 p.m., LSU Faculty ClubContact Chairman Alex Evans, [email protected]
Sigma/Omega WeekQuad Day11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the QuadContact Ishuia, [email protected]
The Authoritarian Drift in MaghrebBy the Center for French and Francophone Studies2 p.m., Hill Memorial LibraryContact Eric Horent, 772-7552
Black Graduate and Professional Student Association (BGPSA)General body meeting: “Service Learning” by Jan Shoemaker; election of 2003-04 officers5:30 p.m., AACCContact Kerey Carter, [email protected], 334-6124
New Partnerships for Development in MaghrebBy the Center for French and Francophone Studies3:15 p.m., Hill Memorial LibraryContact Eric Horent, 772-7552
Back to the ’80sFreestyle, dance, best dressed, karaoke, double dutchSponsored by UPC Black Culture10 p.m.-1 a.m., Union BallroomContact Andrea Allen, [email protected] or 578-5430
SEACGeneral meeting3 p.m., Room 28 Life ScienceContact [email protected]
Open Circle at LSUWeekly meeting8 p.m., Union Council RoomContact [email protected]
Hill Farm Community Garden4:30 p.m., Hill Farm Teaching FacilityContact Jason Avant, 673-6523
Ongoing – May
Latitude Sixty Degrees NorthContemporary Inuit CollectionMonday-Friday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., LSU Museum of ArtContact Kelly Lastrapes, 578-7311
LSU Theatre presents “Our Country’s Good”A play by Timberlake WertenbakerDirected by Jane BrodyReilly TheatrePay-What-You-Can Preview April 30Sneak Preview May 1, runs May 2-10, Tues.-Sat., 7:30 p.m., Sun., 2 p.m.$15.50 Adults; $13.50 Seniors/ Faculty; $8.50 StudentsCall 578-3527 or visit
LSU Theatre presents “Caged: Love, War & Sacrifice”Directed by Nick EricksonShaver Theatre in the M&DA BldgMay 3 and 4, 7:30 p.m.$6 suggested donationCall 578-4174 or visit
Alpha Epsilon Delta4th annual Loop the Lake to benefit Parker House home for abused children4.1 mile run/walk, $16May 3, 9 a.m., LSU Rec Center
Black Student Union’s LSU vs. SU Basketball GameFeaturing football players from both universitiesDoors open 1 p.m., May 3; tip-off, 1:30 p.m., LSU Lab School GymnasiumContact Charles Daniel at [email protected]
April 30, 2003