Following the rush of comic book-made-action-packed movies hitting theaters lately, Daredevil reared his head at the box offices this weekend pulling in what most likely will be high profits for those involved.
The movie will attract fans of not only the original comic book story but also comic book fans in general. Plus with big names like Ben Affleck, Colin Farrell and Jennifer Garner, the movie will pull in a good deal of people who have never heard of Daredevil.
The movie tells the life of Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer by day and Daredevil by night. Daredevil’s remaining senses sharpen to compensate for his lack of sight, allowing him to “see” through those senses.
“He doesn’t have the strength or web-spinning powers of Spider-Man, the brawn of the Hulk, or the healing powers of Wolverine,” said Mark Johnson, the writer/director for the film. “Daredevil is just a guy. If you shoot him, he dies.”
The movie begins at the end with Daredevil, Ben Affleck, lying wounded in a church. Daredevil recounts the story of his life and how he came to this position.
After being blinded in a childhood accident and dealing with his father’s murder at age 12, Matt Murdock becomes Daredevil and pledges his life to making his neighborhood a safer place while avenging his father’s death.
The movie’s main selling point is its beautiful computer-generated special effects. The programmers masterfully produced visual representations of what blind Murdock can see through his other four senses’ over-development.
However, the acting detracts heavily from the beautiful imagery the special effects bring to the movie.
Affleck tends to look more confused than blind. Also, there is a total lack of chemistry between Affleck and his love interest, Elektra, played by Jennifer Garner.
Garner just can’t seem to pull off the sultry seductive hardcore assassin that defines her character. It almost seems as though she was cast solely to attract young men’s stares.
Colin Farrell’s portrayal of the slightly psychotic assassin, Bullseye, is some of the only decent acting in the movie. Farrell seems to get into his character’s psychotic side and plays it up well.
The movie caters to an audience well-versed in comic books. The background development of the characters’ abilities are not thorough, almost assuming audiences already know them. At several points throughout the movie, there are references to infamous people in the comic book industry including a cameo by Stan Lee, Kevin Smith and Frank Miller.
The plot line does not add to the overall enjoyment of the movie, which seems always to be rushing to some other point. The whirlwind romance between Affleck and Garner is too fast to be anywhere but in a movie.
“This movie justified Ben Affleck’s alcoholism,” said Francis O’Connor, a psychology senior. “I didn’t know that 96 minutes could last that long.”
For more information or to view the trailer, visit Daredevil’s official Web site at
Daredevil draws public with compelling special effects
February 17, 2003