Thursday, Nov. 6
* Meeting and resume critique
* 6 p.m. Union Castillian Room
* Contact Megan Monsour, 761-1241
College Democrats at LSU
* General Meeting
* 5:30 Union Barataria Room
* Contact Krystal Williams, [email protected]
Student Government
* Chats with the Chancellor, an open forum on academics
* 11:30 – 1 p.m. Union Atchafalaya Room
UPC International Committee
* Meeting
* 5 p.m. Union Council Room
* Contact Tammy Sam, [email protected]
* Taste of Diversity
* 4:45 p.m. Parade Grounds
Catholic Center
* Free lunch, all students invited
* 12 – 1 p.m. Highland @ Dalrymple
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
* TNT, praise and worship followed by a speaker
* 7 – 9 p.m.
Pi Sigma Epsilon
* Meeting
* 6 p.m. 2172 CEBA
Campus Crusade for Christ
* 6:30 p.m. The Chapel on the Campus, 3355 Dalrymple
Skee-Week 2003
* “The Bold & the Beautiful: Annual Mr. AKA Pageant”
* 7:08 p.m. Royal Cotillion Ballroom
Psi Chi / Psychology Club
* Meeting, “Life as a Graduate Student”
* 4:45 p.m. 112 Audobon
* Contact Earl Turner, [email protected]
Phi Alpha Theta
* Meeting
* 4:30 p.m. 241 Himes
Friday, Nov. 7
Soph, Jr. and Senior Engineering Majors
* Louisiana Engineering Society Free Jambalaya Dinner
* 6 p.m. South courtyard of CEBA
Wargaming and Roleplaying Society
* Roleplaying and Gaming at Tureaud
* 7 p.m. – till, Tureaud
* Contact [email protected]
Hill Farm Community Garden
* 4:30 p.m. Hill Farm Teaching Facility
* Contact Jason Avant, 673-6523
Catholic Center
* Pray the Rosary in Church
* 6 p.m. Highland @ Dalrymple
* Meeting, Dr. Kerry Sauley will be speaking
* 11:30 a.m. Faculty Club
* RSVP [email protected]
International Quest
* Speaker, music, food for international students
* 7 p.m. – 9 p.m., Chapel on the Campus
Free Computer Training
* START Program offers free training to all students
* B-26 Coates Hall
* Visit calendar at
Auditions for 2003-04 MLK Dance Ensemble
* 11 a.m. Nov. 15 LSU Rec Sports Complex
* Applications and info available in OMA, 326A Union
* Due Nov. 11
Sweet November Gala
* Limited free tickets available through Nov. 14
* 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday, OMA 326 Union
* Contact Shayla Ferguson, [email protected]
Apollo Players Auditions
* Sign up in AACC Nov 3 – 6 to pick up packet
* Contact [email protected]
New and Gently Used Household Items Drive
* Benefitting the women of Myriam’s House
* 9 – 3 p.m. Free Speech Alley, Nov. 19
The Blithedale Romance
* Performance in the HopKins Black Box
* Nov. 12-15 7:30 Nov 16 2:30, 137 Coates
* Contact 578-4172
Nominations Sought
* For George H. Deer Distinguished Teaching Award
* Alumni Association Teaching Assistant Award
* Advisor of the Year Award
* One original nomination and eight copies required, Due by Dec 5
* Submit c/o Debra Blacher, University College 150 Allen Hall
* Contact Debra Blacher, 578-5334
November 6, 2003