Only two questions left to answer
It’s 10 p.m. Saturday night and I am pondering two things: What title and bowl will LSU win and where am I going to move in the next two years?
Louisiana has decided to hold onto its backward history and “good ole boy” (or should I say gal) politics. Some of you will argue that we are changing — we elected a woman.
To that I say, “Yeah right. And Bill Clinton ran America too.” We all know it was Hilary.
So what is Louisiana looking at now?
Well let’s see. We have Mary’s little brother sitting as Lt. Governor and now “Grandma Cajun” sitting in spot numero uno.
Congratualtions Coach. Bye bye values, hello liberal BS. Now, I have to decide where I will find work in 2 years.
I have to think about where I am going to move so that my little girl can have a decent education. Louisiana isn’t going to change; we decided to continue the circle and elect another rubber stamp for the people behind the scenes.
So be it.
I’ll leave and so will most of you as so many have before us. Someone can help me pack me U-Haul.
I’ll watch Louisiana continue to deteriorate for the next four years from somewhere else.
Kristy Griffith,juniorpolitical science
PETA should re-evaluate targets
I want to holler out a loud “Double Standard” to the PETA folk who’ve been bothering the wonderful people at LSU and Southern about their beloved mascots.
Where was PETA during the festive competitions at the Ag center?
I’m sure that is a strange question considering how “humanely” the cattle and horses were treated. For instance, the cattle prods being shoved up a steer’s behind to get it to move. If these rods were shoved any further up, the steers would have been snorting electricity.
What about the cattle being chased so as to rip hair from their tails.
Or how about the rope tied ever-so-gracefully around a bronco or bull’s genetilia, and then ripped abruptly so as to get it to buck. Don’t forget the goat, being carried by three women, that was accidently dropped, except for the hind legs that were pulled spread eagle.
I know my favorite part was watching as a steer was gripped by the nostril and horns as its head was cranked almost full circle, then held long enough for us audience members to view the eyes rolling back in its head.
Or how about the lasso that managed its way around the throat of a steer and pulled so tautly that the tongue of the steer was almost dragging on the ground.
But all that’s perfecly fine because that’s the “humane” way to handle cattle. Contrast that to Mike.
Personally, I vomit everytime I hear about Mike being fed hundreds of dollars in quality meat each week.
Or the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on the best veterinary care for an endangered species.
And, I almost faint when I hear about the millions of dollars planned, and already being spent on the facilities Mike is being held in.
How inhumane.
PETA needs to re-evaluate their targets.
James Eliason,music education
Letters to the editor
November 17, 2003